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Ma, your world hurts! Mia Smith, a five-year old girl, regresses into thirty-eight medical and behavioral conditions, one hundred and thirty one allergies, and autism. Many substances and foods in her biological environment cause her pain. Her mother, Terra Smith, practically the Chief Recovery Officer, works with doctors, therapists, and insurance companies to coordinate all the care required for Mia’s comeback. Her father, Craig Smith, puts in the work hours to make sure the family has a home, food, and clothes. The longer recovery takes, the more Mia falls behind.
A main demand of Mia’s recovery is that Terra is often required to mentally, physically, and emotionally adopt Mia’s changing points of view. Then, she has to step back out and be the parent.
Yet, Terra Smith is set on helping Mia to discover what recovery feels like. Hope comes in pieces of knowledge and moments broken away from the trying, exhausting day. But Terra will take those pieces, thoughtfully put them where they fit until the full picture of recovery comes into view.
With a forward by Jerry Kartzinel, MD (Best-Selling Author, Board Certified pediatrician and a Fellow in the American Academy of Pediatrics) this book in one testimony of the 1 in 15 children who have developmental issues within the U.S. Additionally, the European Union estimates that 800 million children live in environments that negatively effect cognitive development.
Available on Amazon, Click this link.
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